October 1991 little Rosie Moncrief and little Jennie Ziegler convinced their parents that they were old enough to go to the movies by themselves! (Jennie and I are on the right, Cookie and Kelly are on the left.)

They told there parents they wanted to see some "G" rating movie but really they were going to their first PG-13 movie called "Paradise". They even snuck in their own sodas and snacks! Talk about rebels!! There was a little blue eyed boy in that movie that little Rosie fell completely in love with and.....
19 years later, she finally got to meet him in person!!!!! Rosie was helping with the movie premiere of, "The Romantics", and she already knew it was possible Mr. Wood might be there and Brendan, the Theatre Manager, had given her a 20 foot limit which was good enough for her! While Rosie was guarding the Entourage green room she got radioed down to the press line! When she walked outside there was Elijah Wood standing right in front of her!!!! Bryan replied," Elijah, this is Rosie and she'll escort you to your seat!". Rosie just about passed out but quickly pulled herself together because she had to be professional at work. His eyes were even more dreamy in person and he was so nice. (almost to nice). Rosie had 3 minutes to escort Elijah up 3 flights of stairs to his seat so the film could start on time so there wasn't much time to chit chat but she did grab his arm to steer him in the proper direction.
Here he is safely in his seat next to Fergie and Josh Duhamel.
Since Rosie was working and wasn't allowed to take pictures with him. Jan Schalla, a favorite Sundance Volunteer, sent her some so she'd have a good memory of this awesome day!

(The writer/director of the film, Adam Brody, Elijah Wood, 2 people I don't know, Katie Holmes (who is very nice.), and Malin Akerman (also very nice).

Yep, Best Day Ever!!!! It's so crazy to think that I actually met Elijah Wood! Dream come true!
The Nightingale - Samuel Taylor Coleridge (the poem is a big thing in the movie).
......Farewell, O Warbler! till to-morrow eve,
And you, my friends! farewell, a short farewell!
We have been loitering long and pleasantly,
And now for our dear homes.—That strain again!
Full fain it would delay me! My dear babe,
Who, capable of no articulate sound,
Mars all things with his imitative lisp,
How he would place his hand beside his ear,
His little hand, the small forefinger up,
And bid us listen! And I deem it wise
To make him Nature’s play-mate. He knows well
The evening-star! and once, when he awoke
In most distressful mood (some inward pain
Had made up that strange thing, an infant’s dream—)
I hurried with him to our orchard-plot,
And he beheld the moon, and, hushed at once,
Suspends his sobs, and laughs most silently,
While his fair eyes, that swam with undropped tears,
Did glitter in the yellow moon-beam! Well!—
It is a father’s tale: But if that Heaven
Should give me life, his childhood shall grow up
Familiar with these songs, that with the night
He may associate joy.—Once more, farewell,
Sweet Nightingale! Once more, my friends! farewell.
And you, my friends! farewell, a short farewell!
We have been loitering long and pleasantly,
And now for our dear homes.—That strain again!
Full fain it would delay me! My dear babe,
Who, capable of no articulate sound,
Mars all things with his imitative lisp,
How he would place his hand beside his ear,
His little hand, the small forefinger up,
And bid us listen! And I deem it wise
To make him Nature’s play-mate. He knows well
The evening-star! and once, when he awoke
In most distressful mood (some inward pain
Had made up that strange thing, an infant’s dream—)
I hurried with him to our orchard-plot,
And he beheld the moon, and, hushed at once,
Suspends his sobs, and laughs most silently,
While his fair eyes, that swam with undropped tears,
Did glitter in the yellow moon-beam! Well!—
It is a father’s tale: But if that Heaven
Should give me life, his childhood shall grow up
Familiar with these songs, that with the night
He may associate joy.—Once more, farewell,
Sweet Nightingale! Once more, my friends! farewell.
P.S. I am finally going to New Zealand!! I leave April 3, 2010!!!!