I'M THIRTY!!! I've been a grown up for almost a full 24 hours! HaHa! So, every year I make goals of what I want to accomplish that year. My 29th year was the year I was supposed to conquer all my fears. I did everything I had listed , save two. Which were: kill a spider with my bare hand (gross) and go sledding. Yep, totally okay with not doing either of those things! I only have a 3 goals for my 30th year but they are pretty big and require a lot of hard work and dedication that's for sure!
My birthday pretty much rocked the most because as fate would have it my buddy, Joshua Radin, played a gig in SLC yesterday on my birthday!! So, a bunch of my friends (10-15 of us) went to see him play.
Of course I was front and center! He kept looking down at me and smiling during the whole show. I over heard the girls next to me saying that he must like someone on this side because he keeps looking over there. My friend Lisa heard them and said ,"Yep, it's Rosie. They've been friends for 6 years." The girls literally freaked out and started asking me all these questions. Too funny! Half way through his set he was tuning his guitar and he looked at me and said, "Happy Birthday Rosie! Rosie is my first fan so everyone needs to wish her a Happy Birthday!" The girls next to me went crazy and wished me happy birthday. One even grabbed my arm! I should be used to this by now since he does this every show I go to but I always end up blushing like crazy! One of Lisa's friends was way in the back and overheard people saying that they thought I was his girlfriend!! Ha ha! I'll keep dreaming that he'll eventually be mine in the end!
With all the excitement I forgot to get a picture with him but I already have ten thousand of us together so it's okay! He gave me several birthday hugs and Allison was such a good friend to keep talking to the drummer so we could get passed all the security so we wouldn't get kicked out since we didn't have a wrist bands! Lisa had made cupcakes for everyone too! They were super good!