~I am currently wearing my Yellow wellies because...

I left my fairy wings at my parentals house!

~I currently can't stop listening to William Fitzsimmons
~I currently returned home from Spokane

~I am currently watching The Bachelorette
~I currently love nutella and I put it on everything
~I currently still love purple and will always

~I currently stopped commenting on peoples blogs. There are only so many ways to say "Your kids are so cute!"
~I am currently looking forward to next weeks kayaking adventure around the San Juan Islands

~I am currently painting flowers and butterflies, paint by numbers rule all, hee hee!!

~I am currently addicted to farmtown on facebook
~I currently miss watching the snow fall

~I currently finished reading : My Sister's Keeper, Warrior of the Light, and Save the Cat.
~I am currently reading: The Simarillion, What is the What, Veronika Wants to Die, & By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept.
Okay so how dumb blond am I that I have never noticed that the alphabet blocks actually spell something! I hope you remembered to water your mom's flowers! Miss you already!
You currently make me tired because of all the things you are doing.
Wow you sure keep busy. You are always up to something, but it always sounds like a lot of fun. Have fun on your kayaking adventure!
i love how adventurous you are!
everything sounds so fun, and those are lovely graphics.
I love when you update your blog! Guess what? I found a rosanna blog. It was connected to one of my friend's from Oregon. I remembered reading about that plate you found. Just thought you would be interested. It is rosannainc.blogspot.com
Have a good day!
I am so glad you are back! I was wondering where you had gone! You are a traveling fool! Love the post!
I am currently waiting for you to make a "your kids are so cute" comment on my blog, us Mom's never get tired of hearing that even if you get tired of saying it! haha! :)
So funny, I almost bought myself a paint my numbers at Micheals the other day, wow, we must be great friends!!! Now if we could only have a girls night out where we work on our paint by numbers, eat lots of junk food, including Nutella and go outside to see (or show ha ha!) the "full moon" just like in college..... now that would be GREAT!!! Wouldn't it be so fun to just go back to those days for a week or so, carefree and no worries..... except when we got the report that the "eagle has landed"! Then that's all we could think or talk about, spying out our bedroom window! ha ha! :) Wow this is long, anywho, thanks so much for coming to visit me yesterday, it was so fun to see you and Cookie, I sure miss you guys! Love ya!
P.S. Make sure you call me right away when you have contact with the "super freak"! ha ha!
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