We went to Snowbird, I think, or some other mountain around here I don't remember the name, with my brother Scott and his family while they were here visiting a couple weeks ago! We rode the bull, it was pretty awesome
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Oh, oops! I guess I did have time to post these pics of you Coox! I forgot I had them on my work computer! Ha ha!!
We went to Snowbird, I think, or some other mountain around here I don't remember the name, with my brother Scott and his family while they were here visiting a couple weeks ago! We rode the bull, it was pretty awesome

Olivia cried when her mom got thrown off.
We went to Snowbird, I think, or some other mountain around here I don't remember the name, with my brother Scott and his family while they were here visiting a couple weeks ago! We rode the bull, it was pretty awesome
Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday night at Joshua's gig was so funny! Lanie, Britt, and I were standing in the very front of the stage. Joshua walks on stage and starts tuning his guitar, he looks down , sees me, and breaks out into this huge smile and says "ROSIE!!! You're here!" I just smiled and said "Of course buddy!" The guy standing behind Britt says "Man, I bet her heart's a poundin!" So she starts laughing and everyone was staring at me. Yep, that's right, Best Friend of a rock star here, haha! Funtastic times.
We talked to him after he played. He gives me this huge hug and says Rosie Moncrief, is that how you pronounce your last name? I said "Yes, and how do you know my last name? Very impressive!" "From myspace, you used to write me comments" Lanie said "Stalker!" Joshua gave her this weird look, hugs me again and replies " No way, she's not a stalker, she's MY ROSIE!" He is to cute! That's me and Joshua below. He played at Ellen DeGeneres's wedding on Saturday. He's her new favorite! Whisper Rock rules!

We talked to him after he played. He gives me this huge hug and says Rosie Moncrief, is that how you pronounce your last name? I said "Yes, and how do you know my last name? Very impressive!" "From myspace, you used to write me comments" Lanie said "Stalker!" Joshua gave her this weird look, hugs me again and replies " No way, she's not a stalker, she's MY ROSIE!" He is to cute! That's me and Joshua below. He played at Ellen DeGeneres's wedding on Saturday. He's her new favorite! Whisper Rock rules!
This video is funny because I didn't know he was looking at me until I got home to watch it and I totally cut him off. You really only need to watch the first 20 seconds.
Erin McCarley opened up for Joshua. She is amazing!
I'm still going through the Ireland photos. I promise to post them soonish! It will be worth the wait but I'll give you a hint, there will be photos of our wrecked rental car (hee hee, a new found appreciation for insurance!) and plenty of america's next top model poses! And sorry the videos have static, I was way to close to the stage to get good quality sound.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's bitter sweet to be back! Not a fan of having to go back to work but I am enjoying driving on wide roads again and 24 hours stores and gas stations!! I promise to post pictures soonish, I have a billion to go through. Plus my brother Scott and his wife and kids are here visiting, I'm seeing Joshua Radin tomorrow, I'm moving on Saturday to my new apartment, and I also have two wedding receptions and dinners to go to that day as well! Not sure how I'm going to pull that one off, since one is in Logan. And I think my jet lag is starting to kick in or it might be that I'm going through Irish Ice Cream withdrawl!! It's the best thing ever, and I'm pretty sure I gained about 27.3 pounds in the short time I was over there! It's the land of magical cream, And don't even get me started on the CANDY!!! Yumo!
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