Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have a billion pictures to go through so I hope this will tide you over until I get motivated to get them organized! New Zealand baby!!

Watch the bottom one first then this one! The bottom one is the best. You get to see my scared face. I have an intense fear of falling and I'm not sure why I decided to back flips. I don't know how to do back flips!!!!! Oh, silly Rosie!


Kassey said...

oh my heck that looks so scary!! Kambree my 4 yr old asked if you were still alive!! you do so many fun things!!! this is one trip that I dream about going on!!!

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

Holy cow! My heart was racing so fast just watching you. Looks scary and fun!

Trisha said...

I almost had an anxiety attack watching these! I don't know if I would have the guts to do it...

Can't wait for the rest!

Stacy and Josh Tyhurst said...

All I could think was "ROSANNA YOU CRAZY GIRL!!!"

Holly said...

I still can't believe you did that! You're the coolest!

Daryl and Ashley said...

Your kids are seriously going to have the coolest mom to brag about! You have had so many ADVENTURES! You are amazing. Were the guys cute? I loved their accents! Tell me you brought one home with you!!