..... my life has yet to turn out the way I planned.

FISH ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD!!!! After 26 years of lying that I was allergic to seafood, it turned out to be true! Never give in to peer pressure, you could die! (July 2007)

if you look at someone long enough you discover their humanity. (my niece Natti at the rodeo. She loves horses.)

this is my favorite time of night. One of my secret spots is in Logan. It looks very similar to the one in the picture. I used to go there in the middle of snowy misty night and sit on the bench or by the creek under the street lamp for hours.

the Titanic was the grandest ship in the world. What a tragically romantic story and if I could go back in time I would have loved to be on it.

there is a stillness in a sunrise. "... behold our God is with us and he will not suffer that we should fall." ~Alma 56:46~ (my nephew Eli at Henry's Lake)

"When so many of are lonely, as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone." ~Tennessee Williams! Brittany will always be my best friend. From cradle to grave!

the answer is in the picture!

I should have been a rock star but I can't sing , however, my Yellow Wellies rock the most!

this is my favorite picture of Christ. There is a familiarness to it, like I've been there before.
I believe in Neverland.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music!" ~Friedrich Nietzsche~ I used to wear my fairy wings all the time in college and I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy!

"Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary". ~ Edgar Allan Poe~

I am a hopeless romantic.
This is life not heaven. You don't have to be perfect. It took me a long time to figure that out. My whole life I've always been told by everyone that I needed to become PERFECT , or I should be more like this person or that person and blah blah blah! Well, turns out I'm not like them. I'm like ME! I became really frustrated trying to be something that I knew I wasn't or could ever really be.
I hated the word perfect until one day , in my college years, I was reading, "Living, Loving and Learning" by Leo F. Buscaglia. He said, "The hardest thing in the world is to be something that you're not. How wondrous if we could accept the fact that we are our perfect self. That's so logical, isn't it? Who is a more perfect you than you? Only you can know what is the perfect you. And you are the only perfect you who will pass this way in the history of the world! Maybe others try to make it imperfect but we should do as E.E. Cummings recommends -- fight the battle of being "you" forever because it will always be the greatest battle you will ever have to fight, and it's the only battle worth fighting--". I never thought of it that and it makes complete sense! Become the perfect "you"! Brilliant!
Mindy throws up everything she eats, a laxative junky with a shrinking heart.
Jenny doesn't eat at all, someone called her fat. Now and 80 pound skeleton with darkened eyes.
Ray cuts herself on the outside to kill the thing on the inside. It just feels better than anything else.
Elly tried to fit in but she can't. Drowned a bottle of aspirin with a bottle of vodka. She died on a Thursday.
~An original writing by Rosanna L. Moncrief~
I know....
.... that I was FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE (Psalms 139:14)
Rosie, I LOVE YOU and miss you. You are so amazing and wonderful!
Rosie-that was an amazing post. You are awesome. I loved every picture and thought that you did!!
Beautiful, I cried, and smiled. Thanks for changing my day.
Beautiful post Rosie. I think you're awesome!
you are our favorite!! love you!
I really needed this today. Thank you so much for being you. I love you!
Beautiful Rosie... it made me get a little choked up, in a good way. :)
I sure miss you! You have become an AMAZING woman. And your photography is awesome.
Truly inspiring!
Hope you don't mind a post from an old fan.
D. Grindy
You are the fulfillment and we love you.
Mom and Dad
You are TRULY an INSPIRATION!!! I loved your 100th. Also, it reminded my why we are friends... Purple ROCKS, we are both Pieces and I think all I have to say is TITANIC and you would remember... haha! I love YOU... the one and only Rosie... I am honored to call you my friend!
Hi Rosie!
I love the midnight snowy pic (for lamplight) and wondered if you'd let me use it as artwork for one of my songs called Midnight Shadow?
I will credit the pic to you and leave a link to your blog if you like?
Thanks and great blog!
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