... I am back to work at my map job. After my 2 year lay off they asked me to come back in March. I definitely went back and forth on if I wanted to or not. I kind of felt like I was moving backwards instead of forward & map making isn't exactly what I want to be doing with my life. But it also provides the money so that I can move in the direction I want to go! Plus I'm super spoiled with my flexible schedule there and they are big supporters of travel! "It's good for you to grow and learn about other people and places!" (that's what they say) So getting time off for all my adventures is usually not a problem! Right now I'm working on Annotation but I'm switching over to US Topo once I finish this forest. All that means is that I have to go to dippy meetings now because US Topo just plain sucks! My cubical is the size of my Element. I really need to decorate it one of these days!

... I love my Tuesday Pole Pal dinner nights with FOXXY (rachel), SHOCXY (shelly), RIXXY (rina), MOXXY (sara), NOELLE AND SYLVIA! (obviously i'm roxxy!) Sometimes others join us but that's the core group!, and pretty soon, we'll all be turned into mermaids on the June 25th top model photo shoot at the Salt Flats!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure they're doing if for me because I really want a group mermaid shot! They are too good to me! Love them!!! (I had to put their names in caps because some of them feel special when I mention them in my blog!)
... I recently went food truck chasing with Moxxy and Foxxy! We had the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever!!!
Foxxy, Moxxy, and a stranger!
They gave me a fake tattoo because I'm Roxxy! Ha, it lasted 2 weeks. I kind of miss it!

... I am attempting to save my New Zealand purse I bought last April when I was there with purple duct tape! But.... when it gets warm the tape kind of gets sticky and it's peeling off parts of the bag! I'm not sure it if will make it the whole summer.

... I love spoiling my nieces Olivia and baby Rose! We love going to Orange Leaf frozen yogurt, watching iCarly, and Marlia (A Mermaids Tale)!! Olivia always says, "We're having a wild time aren't we?" or "'I can come pick you up from dance class!" Too cute! I'd spoil the other nieces and nephews if they lived here! but they don't! too bad for them!
Olivia is crazy!
Baby Rose is cute but don't be fooled, the kid cries all the time!

... The simplest things inspire me! Love this picture. Can't wait to go to this magical cloud forest in Costa Rica someday!
... I am making good progress on my goals that I want to accomplish during my 30th year! I only have 3: One is to build up enough strength for my signature pole move! It's a bit crazy. I haven't seen anyone else actually do it so far & I just hope it doesn't rip my shoulders off, ahahahaha! Guess we'll find out! I'm about 13% there. My second is still kind of a secret for now but I promise it won't disappoint! At least Savvy and Britt will be happy once it's done since I've been working on it for the past 5 years and recently started over! And the last is... I'm getting my breast reduction!!!! Hopefully in July. I had my consult this week and I'm just waiting for my claim to the insurance company to process!

"Wherever you are right now is important. I like the idea of wherever you are, love where you're at because it starts there. You have to start by saying: "Yes, I love me where I am with all my addictions and limitations, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's where I am going to be tomorrow. It just means that I like me where I am now. You can't go on until you make that statement. If I had a single wish in the world and a magic wand, I would wave it over everybody and have you say, and have you believe, "I like me wherever I am right now, right this minute. I'm great!" ~ Leo F Buscaglia
hey mya doesn't cry all the time! just most of the time. one things for sure, my girls love aunt rosie!
Perhaps it's possible for your doctor to suck some of the squish from your boobs and inject it into my flat pancakes? It's worth a try...
And, I see how you are - you spoil Olivia & Mya and then teach the rest of the grandkids swear words. Remember the "Rat Bastard" soda moment??? Hmmm... :P
Love the bottles of Jolt! Congrats on your return to map making. I didn't read anywhere about your summer trip to Spokane....Good luck with your goals!
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