I survived another festival! I am really happy to be home. I've been sleeping (if you can call it that) on a twin bed that's slanted because the bed frame was broken, for two weeks ! I have to live in Park City during the festival, so they provide us with lodging. "You get what you get and you don't through a fit"! is how I describe the lodging process.... These pics are from Jan 12

Our headquarters are at the Marriott Hotel. Nice huh? Except that....

The Volunteer Departments Office is in a huge white tent in the courtyard! It's real name is the Volunteer Villa. This is where volunteers can come and hang out! At least this year it wasn't as cold! Just a few shots of us setting up the interior of the tent!

The dreaded CHECK-IN DAY!! There are 3 days where our 1600 volunteers come to check in at the Marriott. They get their lodging assignment (if they get lodging), credential, packet, and jacket. It's a very long process and day. This year was filled with lots of drama because we mysteriously ran out of jackets... and the
wrath of that was a hell all in it's own for the whole entire festival.

Noelle and Josh! We love Josh!

Me and
Kaytee kind of losing it!

Sarah was really losing it! She's over
accommodations but not really since she moved last year. She came back to help the girls who took over her job, thank
goodness! It could have been a mess if she hadn't.

The opening night Staff and Volunteer Party!

Noelle, Ryan, Emily, and
Mike, he's a dancing fool!

Sam and Noelle! We love Sam!
Yay, it's Kimball! (and Noelle)

David Luna, Rosie
Moncrief and Noelle
Teske! We were trying to be the
sluttiest on the dance floor but lost terribly to the boy in the picture below. He has his back turned with the scarf around his neck. We called him "Pony Boy", we don't know his real name!

More pictures of us! We were working the volunteer screenings, good times!

We ate
regularly at Nacho Mamma's because it was next to the Marriott.
Kaytee and Rachel laughing.

Kaytee, Rachel, Me , and Noelle

Noelle and Laura are always eating!
Chillin on Main Street with Abbey and I can't remember the girls name! They are our I T volunteers. We all had a crush on Abbey. (It's pronounced different than it's spelled). Good thing we aren't allowed to have
trysts with volunteers.....

This was our Alumni Volunteer breakfast! Kenneth Cole came and spoke.. neat! Look forward to more post soon! Also, the music for my blog will be some of the featured artists from the Music Cafe at the Festival!
Yea Rosie you lived thru it and it looks like you had a bit of fun on the way!
I've been waiting to hear how it went this year for yoU! I'm glad it was better than last year! Can't wait to hear more!
Is your hair darker? You just look so cute. I love the "villa"...they really went all out for you guys! It all sounds very stressful, are you sure it's fun?
You survived! It looks oh so fun!
By the way, did you happen to spot any celebs???
Cool - looks like FUN! Glad to see you had a Coke or something while all your other friends were drinking alcohol! Way to "just say no" Rosie! :)
Looks like fun! Dave and I attended the festival in 2000. It was a blast:)
Incredible life you have girl! You're amazing.
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