I'm posting random Christmas pictures in no particular order because I don't have the time to out them in order!!! I have much to do tonight as the festival is fast approaching put I didn't want to post Christmas pictures in February!! They are of Carol, Ron, Eli, Mason, Rob, Autumn, Natti, Bubba, Cookie, Jason, Olivia, My parentals, and me!

My new guitar case! Thanks mom and dad!

my parents gifts from Eli and Mason!

We went to a place called Jump On It. Full of trampolines, the kids loved it!

oh yes, I happen to be the best cheesecake maker in my family!

So there you have it! On another note, I am way excited for LOST to start on Jan 21st, hence the new up top photo!! Lanie took that picture when we went to Hawaii and I swear it is the exact place that the previews from last year were from! I love Hawaii!
ALSO, IF ANYONE WANTS AN INVITE TO CAROLS AND MY MOMS BLOG LET ME KNOW! They are private..... lame! hahahahahaha
I loved the pictures! I love your family! When I come down to Utah we are SO going to that jump on it place-Tucker would LOVE it! Yes, I want an invite to Carol and your moms blog! have you checked out my photography blog lately? I want you to tell me what you think! I am getting a Cannon Digital Rebel XSi here in the next few weeks! I am so excited! No more going last minute to buy a new camera to return it later! :)
I second your thoughts on Lost. :) Very excited.
I always love seeing your family on here!
I don't know how but i think I actually made it through that post without a picture. Finally!
Very cute pictures! Awesome guitar case. Dave got me guitar two years ago. I need to get playing. It's the only instrument I wanted to learn to play, so I can sing along.
Glad you had a great time with the fam:)
Rosie, you're such a good blogger. Autumn has me started, now you need to teach me more - after Sundance and all your traveling. Guess I should ask someone else, right?
Oh, what fun family pictures! My favorite has to be the first one of Carol, she got some pretty SWEET gifts!!! ha ha!
P.S. I am way excited for LOST too, it's been FAR TOO LONG since the last season!!! :)
I really am such a "cool mom" with that fan and those gloves. My kids sure do know just what to give me! :) Love the cheesecake pix too. Yum... cheesecake...
And yes, I do have a blog now, compliments of Autumn, but we'll see how it goes. I think I am better at commenting on other blogs than I am at maintaining one. And, I have no idea how to give people access to it. :P
Glad to see you've been having fun. Man would I love a piece of that cheese cake! I would love an invite too please. It makes me miss your family and the good old days when I see pictures of your parents. They sure are awesome!
Carol, if you want to invite people go to customize, then settings, then permissions, then scroll down to the bottom and you'll see where to invite people.
Cheesecake looks great, sad I missed it!
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