So today I went to the store and I swear everyone was starring at me!! Does that ever happen to you? Then I walked to my car and noticed this old lady ,who had pulled up behind it, was literally a millimeter away from hitting my bumper and so I'm blankly starring at her in shock. And she says "I didn't hit it." I just kept starring and she got back in her car and moved it 2 inches back!! Then she gets out and says "See, not a scratch on it." I said, "You might want to be more careful when you drive and get a smaller car because you can't see very well out of this one!" So, that was kind of rude but I haven't even had my Honda Element for a year yet and it's expensive!!!
Anyhow! The start of our Presidents Day weekend didn't start that well. Brittany had just broken up with her boyfriend , so she was a mess and I was a disaster worrying about my aunt. Lots of crying amidst the fun time we did have though!! It was snowing just before we got to St. George to stay at Lanie's aunts house!

In the morning we packed up and drove through Zions National Park. Love the red rock with the snow!

I love shooting directly into the sun. I don't think you're supposed to do that but wow!

Gorgeous! I love the snow, it makes everything pretty.

A frozen waterfall.

I love this picture of Steph, it's one of my favorites.

I was shooting the pictures out the moon roof! haha! Good thing I didn't loose my camera!

We arrived at Antelope Slot Canyon in , Page, Arizona!

Lanie, Steph, Britt . I'm always last because I get distracted and then I have to take pictures!

So cool!

Yes, I was so EXCITED!!! It was amazing.

I fall a lot! I'd totally be Frodo just for that purpose, haha!

I love this picture of Britt!

We are such nerds.

Typical picture of me and Lanie, always laughing and mostly at ourselves because we think we are funny even though we aren't!

I love this picture too!

My shadow!

So cool!

Playing Titanic on land!! I love Titanic!!

Top Model (hee hee, you all knew that was coming)

Of course, man comes in and ruins the view.

The next morning on the way to the Grand Canyon. I left my snowglobe in the car, and it FROZE! When it thawed the rock inside it had moved!!! To funny! And that was our adventure.