Seeing how I spent most of my free time at Sundance at the Music Cafe. I didn't see many famous people! But here are a few pics of the famous people I did see! There was some type of program one day at the Cafe.

Marisa Tomei

Woody Harrelson

Josh Brolin

Benjamin Bratt

My boss BOB!! (Robert Redford) I fell in love with Bob when I saw him in the Great Gatsby years and years ago! So it's kind of cool that I work for him!

Wyclef, not really my kind of music but they are all so nice. They all introduced themselves to me because I was sitting next to one of their girlfriends!

Yes, he is playing his guitar with his tounge! Talk about talent!

Sara Watkins from Nickle Creek! She is amazing on the fiddle. I love Nickle Creek!

Landon Pigg and his hot Keyboard guy! Landon and I kept running into each other, it was kind of awkward, haha! He liked my yellow wellie boots!

Guggenheim Grotto, they are a band from Ireland and we had a good time chatting about my adventure to Ireland last summer.

Lenka! Love her!

Damien Rice, sorry the picture is so blury. It's the only one I had.

Yep, Wynonna Judd, scary.....

Zooey Drechanel and the kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun!

The only person I really wanted to see was Lauren Graham and I did from about 50 ft away! But it was still a dream come true! The picture is not the best but I don't care!!
I did update my sister Carol's blog just in case any of you who know her want to check it out!
No fair. You always have all the fun.
What an adventurous life you live!
You do have an adventurous life! I'm jealous-it looks like it was alot of fun!
I feel famous just knowing you! So do you know Bob personally? I think Woody Harrelson is hot! I have always loved him. I bet Wyclef is a good kisser, playing the guitar with his tongue???
You are famous, Rosie! Totally jealous like everyone else! I'm jealous of you seeing Lauren Graham - I would've loved to see her/ talk to her! How fun!!
Man are you cool or what. That must mean I'm cool too since we're friends! I wish I could go out with you just once...
Hi Rosie! I was so happy to find your blog, I think about you all the time and the good memories we made back then! I'm so happy to see what you've been up to (WOW!), you are so adorable, as always!
Love, Shelli (Webb) Chambers
Does loving Lauren Graham also mean that you love Gilmore Girls? Sigh. I miss that show.
My sienna's curls are all natural, Adyson's hair is actually pretty straight...
WOW WOW WOW, I wanna play.
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