Tuesday, December 30, 2008
End of 2008!
But in between all the weirdness of the year I did have some great times that I have already blogged about!! Except I'm still wishing I had more kit kat sensation candy bars!! Guess I'll just have to go back to Ireland to get some!!
So I'm hoping 2009 will be a better year! At least less emotionally draining anyway! Oh yeah, I don't make New Year's Resolutions, it's a waste of time in my opinion. I make birthday goals every year instead. On my birthday I think of things I want to accomplish that year. I find that it works way better! Except I have yet to eat at a nice sit down restaurant by myself! That's been on the goal list for a very long time. The one year I finally thought I was going muster up the guts to do it, I saw this "Friends" episode when Rachel goes to eat by herself and this cute guy thought she was crazy for eating by herself! Too funny! Speaking of entertainment, my new favorite movie is Surviving Christmas!! So funny! I'm laughing just thinking about it and I'm not even a Ben Affleck fan myself!
On another note, I've actually met a couple of people recently who haven't seen The Lord of The Rings (my favorite!) !! Seriously, I know! What is up with that? I even told some kid I work with not to bother talking to me until he sees the movies! And I think I scared him because he hasn't talked to me since! haha! Well, I don't think I've ever written this much on my blog ever! I'll be posting some Christmas Fun pictures soon, very exciting stuff let me tell you! Nothing like being single during the holidays watching all the nieces and nephews open prestents, couldn't have been funner! Yep, if I were a movie character in a non-fantasy movie, I'd be Iris from The Holiday . That is my life exactly, crazy how that works! Okay, that's enough from me. Hope you all have a happy new years eve tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nyakuoth, Elizabeth (the mom), Diew, Nyajal, Raan, Nyalok, and Nyakueth! They are a fun family.
Well, I hope you all have a Happy Christmas.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
So we decided to go on a retreat for the day to Dianne's Cabin in Tollgate Canyon to regroup after the firing of Vicki. Seemed like a good idea but it wasn't. It started snowing really really bad! And we almost died mulitple times. We were not dressed in very warm clothes either, plus Natalie was 7 months pregnant, had her 2yr old daugher and dog with her as well!
So I get back to work on Monday and Me, Cassie, and Erica pile into Dianne's car to go to a mandatory meeting on Main Street where the head of the Festival Operations with be there blah blah blah. We never made because we were in a CAR ACCIDENT on the way there! Luckily no one was hurt and the nice police officer drove us back to our office. That's when Dianne told us that Brandie and Cameron had both quit! So that leaves Cassie and me to coordinate 1800 volunteers! Awesome.... Things just kept getting worse and worse. I was lucky to get 4 hours a sleep a night. One day Dianne wouldn't let us go to lunch and Cassie had a breakdown. All we wanted was a sandwhich!! I never left my desk. A few weeks later Lynn was hired. He was a hillarious theater buy who went on his mission to France years ago so we'd always make him talk in french theatre voice!
Then the day after New Years, my manager , Dianne quits! Two weeks before the festival! That's when I pretty much lost it! I had a huge emotional break down at work and everyone in all the departments were freaking out because they had no idea what was wrong with me! Human Reasources had to take over the Volunteer Department at that point. We ran the numbers and were almost 400 volunteers short for the festival which was in two weeks!!! YIKES! To make a really long story short. By some miracle we pulled it off. There is so much you can do in one day without sleeping and I pretty much didn't sleep the whole month of January and half of December.

Dancing fools! At the volunteer party
Why I am taking posing suggestions from the two drunkest people at the party is beyond me!
At the 3D U2 movie. As you can see from the picture, I slept through the whole thing!
End of the fesitval prom which was 80's themed this year! That's Maryilyn and Brock who won King and Queen!
So hopefully as I start getting into the real craziness of volunteer sign up nights this week that it will go a lot smoother than last year!!! At least I know that nothing could be worse than last year. Everything that could have gone wrong did and we somehow pulled off the festival! This year has been so much better so far than last year ever was, so that's good!