I love the 4th of July so much!!

Lanie and me on our way to pick up Trevor!

And so our adventure begins! In about 5 hours Trevor will be asleep and that is how he was the whole time we were in the car. He was of no use to us! Ha

About 5:30 am we reached Multnomah Falls. I took a billion pictures but it didn't do it justice. You should all go there someday!
I wore my whale sweatshirt for good luck! People always look at me funny when I wear it... go figure!

Beautiful, gorgeous, wish you were here!

Space Needle!
Jason going down under Pikes Place Market!!
Trevs last name is Beecher!!! Interesting!
J-fun just being himself!

Jason and his friends

Me and Lanie!

Our 4th of July magic sticks of hope and wonder!!! They are the coolest things ever!

J-fun and Me!

If you haven't noticed by now, we all love to take pictures of ourselves with our own cameras!
Me and Trev in our new matchy matchy sweatshirts!!!

Nice shorts Jason, could they be any shorter???!!! Love it!

Lanie and Me
J-fun, Lanie, Trevor, and Me

A heated game of Phase 10! Jason was so mad at me! hee hee

We are almost to Friday Harbor!

We made it!
And We are off!!
"Don't you take my picture!!"
We stopped for lunch

Funtastic times
Chillin in a kelp bed
I love the open water! I'm pretty sure my spirit was mixed up in heaven, I swear I was meant to be a fish instead of human... c'est la vie.

The only whale I saw. Hopefully I'll have better luck finding my Irish boyfriend when I go to Ireland in three weeks!!

Tired, sunburned and super sad I didn't see any whales!

The ferry ride home
We had a great time visiting Jason again! I already miss the water, rain, and the humidity.
I love all the fun you had without me. I miss Jason so bad.
Roxanna Bayul..Looks like a load of fun in the sun (or lack of sun if you're talking Seattle). I love all your pics. The ones of the falls are so pretty...how do you do that??? And Ireland...I'm jealous!
I love when Jason is mad at phase 10. Oh and his short shorts.
I love the picture of Jason and his two friends and the look of disgust on his face, oh how we miss that!!! And of course his sexy short shorts, where can I get me a pair? :)
Hey foxy lady! Hope you don't mind me checkin' out the blog.
It's Tiffani (Williams) Adamson. How's life girl? Looks to me like you are having a lot of good times and with some hotties, too! You go girl!!
Cookie has my email if you want to chat. We're trying to get together a reunion up in Spokane the last weekend in August. Jessy is coming to town and it would be fun to see ya!
What the freak kind of job do you have that you get to travel like a mad woman!! I am jelous! Looks like so much fun!
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