Aw yes, the eye patch!! Possibly one of the worst years of my life! All the kids called me ONE-EYED ROSIE! A quick recap of the story: BAINBRIDGE ISLAND EYE DOCTOR said my brain would adjust to my eyes and that I would be fine. SPOKANE EYE DOCTOR- couldn't believe I wasn't patched in elementary school and that I had a lazy he PATCHED me! UTAH EYE DOCTOR - thought Spokane guy was on crack and that my FIRST ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS was correct. I didn't need to wear the patch EVER my eyes are totally fine! All that emotional trauma for NOTHING!

The point of this post is, I was at the Parentals going through my old boxes and I found my old glasses that I was supposed to wear but never did because I couldn't see anything! We had fun over the weekend wearing them, they make your eyes look huge!

Coox husband Jason

Carol somehow popped all the blood vessels in her eye. Looks nasty!

Wow our whole family looks good in those glasses!!
ha - too funny!
Oh that's great. I totally remember that. Those glasses WERE the greatest!
Hey one-eyed! You really know how to rock those glasses! Luckily you were cute enough that the whole patch thing didn't effect you too much. I burned my cornia with my curling iron in the 6th grade (before my Spokane days) and had to wear a pink eye patch for a week. It was pretty sweet!
Oh-PS. I love that you guys are at a carnival! :) Good thing you didn't let a little thing like an eye patch hold you back from having a good time.
One-eyed, Rosie I'd say. Too bad you aren't a pirate. Arr, matey! I don't remember the eye-patch days or the huge glasses days. I just remember you as cute Roxanna Bayul...I guess that just means I always look on the inside and not the outside. Oh, aren't I sweet?
Hey, I had to wear an eye patch too!!! My sister and I were fighting over a pencil and it stabbed me in the eye and the lead broke off inside. I had to get surgery to have the lead removed and then wear an eye patch for a week. I'm not sure I knew about your whole eye patch/lazy eye could I not know??? Anyway, save those sexy glasses, they're gems!!!
Sexy glasses! I don't remember you with a patch.
My daughter unfortunately has the cross eye thing and actually ran into walls at 18 months. That's how we knew something was wrong. Her favorite game to play on road trips is "I spy with my crooked eye."
She loves it!!
Those glasses are classic! I don't remember you ever wearing them...I can see why. ;)
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