"Rob France is so DREAMY!"


Doesn't get hotter than this!
Meanwhile Jake Hoopes pulls into the parking lot on his motorcycle as we hurry and pull up our pants! "So, Jake. See anything while you drove in here?" Jake replies "MANY MOONS!"
HA HA love it!!! Cheap shot with the kissing comment!
YOU! I absoulutely love your bangs in our 80's picture!!! ha ha! And, who took that last picture with our pants down, I can't remember? I'm guessing Rob, he was always there somewhere! But I do remember Jake Hoopes pulling into the parking lots and seeing "many moons"! HA HA HA!!!
You're lucky that Holly gal is your best friend.....b/c those are some mighty incriminating photos...The photos make me smile and they make me miss Roxanna Bayul (remember that's what I used to call you) and I miss the Cookie monster, too. Then I saw a picture of your mom on Cook's blog and it made me miss your whole fam-damily.
Love the picture of the classic shaving of the legs on the sink. I still do that sometimes. You guys are hilarious!! So you 3 started the pull your pants down trend. LOL on the floor.
Boy those pictures bring back memories! I remember fixing our hair up all nice that time I visited you when you lived in Logan. Of course we had no where to go! Airway Heights is right next to the Airport, so 15 minutes from downtown Spokane. I heard you and your mom will be visiting in August. I can't wait!!
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