My sister-in-law's (Autumn) family has a cabin by Henry's Lake just outside of West Yellowstone. My family loves to go up there every summer!

Eli, waiting to go early morning fishing! I must say, this is an awesome picture I took! I love my camera!

Me and Mason, I don't think he's much of a morning person!
Bubba, Eli, and Mason
A rare smile for the camera from Bubba!
Sweet picture! (Rob and Bubba)
Elis catching the first fish of the morning!

The proud Pappy! (that's what the grandkiddos call my dad!)

Bubba and I caught this fish, and it was a wild one!

Rob caught a pretty one!

My dad was so excited to catch this fish! I love the look on his face!

It was a big one!

Random bird.

A different fishing morning. My dad happy to catch another one.

Ron and my dad just hanging out in the boat. Carol left Ron with the two boys while she went to Boston to visit her best friend!


Eli, Ron and Bubba with the fish they caught

Bubba and Me with our fish.

Rob caught a small one while canoeing

Eli and Natty, best friends!

Crazy Aunt Rosie

Walking around West Yellowstone!

There are these painted buffalo all over town.

Mason is quite the ham!

Coox, Mom, Bubba, Eli, Natty, Autumn, and Olivia

Little Olivia loves to climb things and figured out the slide. She's so adventurous and is sure to give Coox a run for her money!! Can't wait to see that!


Coox and Gummie Bear at the Ranger's Station

Eli and Natty

Natty, Bubba, Eli and Mason

Walking around Old Faithful.

That's one of my favorite hot pools
It's possible we may have been a bit to close to these Elk!! (we found out later we are supposed to stay 75 feet away from the wild animals) We Moncriefs/Krause/Harrs love danger!

Some wild flowers on the way to Morning Glory

So, Morning Glory is being called Fading Glory because some people throw garbage or whatever in it and it's natural blue color is fading from the contamination, so sad.

Coox and Olivia at Morning GLory

on the walk back! Olivia is so tired.

Olivia, what do you think about the Rodeo?!! WE LOVE IT! Cookie has way better pics of the Rodeo so check her blog out when she posts it. They are awesome! This will have to do until then

My parents, Rob and Autumn, and Mason

Bubba got new cowboy boots for his birthday!

Olivia's new friends, Brandy the horse.

Natty LOVES horses. She's so cute. I wonder what she was thinking?

Cousins hanging out!

Bubba and his boots are classic! A cowboy with a sword, very creative!

Eli and Natty, BFF'S

Bubba and Mason getting into some kind of trouble I'm sure!
Quit kissing me!! Enjoying the moment when they aren't fighting!
Because of all the Snow this year it was still green with goreous wild flowers all over! Loved it!
Looks like a fun Moncrief vaca...I'm jealous; I love Yellowstone and haven't been for YEARS! I LOVE your camera, too. Your pictures are amazing. What kind of camera do you have? AND where was Carol? I saw her hubby and kiddos but no Carol???? Anyway, I love your fam. Say hi to all from me!
ooo lets go back now!!!!
Looks like so much fun. I love Yellowstone!
I also love what you do with your pictures. They are beautiful! Especially love the one with cookie and olivia at morning glory!
Rosana! Those are great pictures! You are an amazing photographer! Makes me want to go to Yellowstone! Your family is SO cute! Every last single one of you! :)
Love the pictures!! Black and white and sepia are my favorites. I agree with Jess. I love your camera.
Glad a good time was had. :)
Hope to see you soon!!
I have to agree with everyone else. Those are some amazing pictures, seriously! It's so fun to see pictures of your family and how everyone has changed. It has been so long...I hope we get to take the kids there sometime, but not until they are older and wont whine the whole way their!
Oh so fun! Love all your pictures, it's fun to see the rest of your family! I love family vacations, they're the best memory makers!!! :) Glad you had fun!
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