"Hi All -
Years ago, if someone had told me that someday I would be spending hours on a street corner with my *3* and *6* year olds, doing this for Family Home Evening, I'm not sure what I would have thought. We all know the last days are here, but I really didn't think we'd be fighting like this already. I pictured this happening years down the road. It really puts into perspective how strong we must be as parents, for our children who will have a much heavier burden than ours. It makes me emotional... Not to be dramatic, but this is just the beginning. We have to know where we stand and our children have to know it as well. Even if that means giving up popular TV shows, etc.
Some of you already know that Ron was assaulted by a "NO" supporter at the end of the night. It was a *very* cheap shot and the guy is lucky that Ron ducked so it didn't hit him in the head. He's even more lucky that he ran away because we all know that Ron could have flattened him into the ground. Ron has a nice "battle wound" - a big scratch and welt across his back. And yes, we have filed a police report. We're just grateful it wasn't worse than it was. Despite the attack, we had a good experience as a family, as did many of our ward members. We are also glad the election is only a week away. :) Keep praying for Prop 8 to pass!!! And don't forget Fast Sunday this week!We love you all! Enjoy the pictures!Love - Carol

Yea for the Krause house!!!!! That is soooo cool!!! Go Ron way to take one for the team!!!!
I can't believe that your brother in law got beat up for Prop 8! Its scary to think of what will happen if it doesn't pass in Cali! Glad to know that good people are doing their part in California! Thanks Carol and family!
Thanks for putting this up Rosie. It was very hard to stand there with dignity last night while people driving by were shouting things like “bigot” and “@#*! you”. It took all I had not to react as “ignorantly” as they were. You could just feel Satan’s influence every time someone “ignorant” drove by. Luckily, for every “ignorant” car, there were 5-6 other cars honking in support. It was nice. :) Can you tell that my word of the day is "ignorant"?
And Cookie - I said the exact same thing to Ron about taking one for the team, after I kissed his owie all better, of course! :)
Taraka - thanks for the support. Keep on praying cuz if it doesn't pass here, it will just move on state by state... :(
Wow, I think this is just awesome! What a cool thing to teach their children...some times are worth fighting for!
Props to Carol for standing up for Prop 8!!! :) And of course, props to Ron, can you believe the nerve of some ignorant people?!?!? Apparently I like the word "ignorant too!!! :).....or I'm just copying Carol on her word of the day! :)
Makes a mother proud. And a mother-in-law. And a grandmother. The Krause house just rocks! I'll add that Scott and his family, and Robert and his family make me proud, too. They all have that Stripling Warrior spirit in them and have done so much to help Prop 8 find success. Thanks for posting this, Rosie. Nice work!
The night that this happened we were on the part in the scriptures that talks about Samuel the Lamenite. So we got to tell our kids how the Krause family was brave like Samuel. The kids were so proud of Eli and Mason.
Wow that is insane. I respect all the supporters of Prop 8 in california. Thanks for all the time and effort put into this.
Vote Yes!!!
Awesome Family Night. Way to be strong and bold. You guys are so cool! Love the pictures and I hope the Prop 8 passes.
I know that if it doesn't our church is in a world of hurt. It would mean that gays would have the right to get married in our temples. Yikes!! I don't think the Lord would let that happen.
Say some prayers on Election day!
Thanks Carol and Ron
:) Tiffani
I am by no means an expert on constitutional law but based on what I do know the First Amendment guarantees that gays will not be allowed to enter the temple regardless of what happens to prop 8.
I seriously am so fasting this Sunday :). Usually I can only fast one meal but I will do all three. Love your family Rosie, Ben does too!
Nikki - Actually, the first amendment *will* be jeopardized if prop 8 doesn't pass. It already is here in California and has been for years in Massachusetts. Not passing prop 8 just opens the door even further for more lawsuits based on "discrimination". Catholic adoption agencies have closed their doors because they can't afford to be sued anymore by gay couples wanting to adopt children and Catholics don't agree with it. Doctors here in CA are being sued for not performing gender changing surgeries or not inseminating gay couples, based on religious beliefs. Photographers are being sued because they prefer not to photograph gay wedding ceremonies. If prop 8 doesn't pass and a gay couple wants to get married in an LDS temple and is turned away, the gay couple will now have the right to sue the church. There won't be much choice left but to close the temple as the church cannot afford that many lawsuits. And yes, gay lifestyles will be taught as normal in schools - as young as kindergarten. NO ONE has the right to teach that to my child! That is MY job as a parent. And, no, we will NOT be given THE RIGHT to opt out of such discussions at school. So, the constitution as we know it will hang by a thread. If you have any more questions, feel free to let me know. :)
As I understand things you cannot live a gay lifestyle and be a member on the LDS church. If you aren't a member of the church you can't hold a temple recommend right? Even those who are members that don't hold recommends can't go in the temple so why would a non member gay couple be able to be married in the temple? Am I confused on that?
At some point right is right. I'm sorry to those who feel like they are losing their rights but I feel like my rights and my childrens rights are important too. Either you are on the Lord's side or you're not. There is no gray area when it comes to that.
Thanks for posting this. My eyes have been opened to so many things that had never even occured to me before. Even though I agree with Carol 100%...I suppose I have been "ignorant" as well.
Way to be BRAVE!
Cookie - I sent you an email. ;)
Debbe - I don't think you're ignorant! :)
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