One night I found a huge one ,as big as a tangerine ,on the blanket on the couch so I bug sprayed it and left it's dead body there to show Brandon (Lanie's cousin) how big they are because the boys upstairs thought we were wimps. He finally comes down when he got home from work and he was looking at it and screamed "Oh my gosh! There's another one!" So we both are screaming and we moved the table and he stepped on it. And I thought he said there was another one behind me, so I start screaming again and then he starts screaming. 10 minutes later when we're done screaming like girls, we went upstairs because we were so creeped out! BTW, it's not the best idea to use bug spray on blankets!!!

Goodbye smelly spider apartment. We will not miss you!
What a cozy little place, I guess a bazillion and two tenants is a little too many, I love how you post the pictures AFTER you move out!!!??? :) Thanks for the tour, its great to have pics to actually go with all of the stories of that lovely place! :)
oh my gosh Shelob!!!!!!!! Yuck so glad you are out of there!!!
okay rosie, all night during my slumper i'm going to think of that nasty spider! just think of how many crawled on you while you were sleeping...ahhhh!! We moved back to UT a little over a year ago! i love being close to family, but really miss seattle too!
I hate spiders!
I was very relieved to read your last paragraph. The whole time I was looking at the pictures and reading your post I was thinking, "now, why again did she move there???" Ugh, that is seriously gross!!!
Thank goodness you got some sense girl! Living with spiders is not acceptable. I HATE SPIDERS!!! I too like how you post after you move. So you're living with your parents? Better than any spider infested place in my book.
I guess the Spiders won this time - and that's perfectly fine by me. I do not like spiders in my place. They can have it!!
That'll be nice to stay at home!
Nice spider! I couldn't live with that hanging around heh!
Check out my blog, you've won an award.
:) Tiff
Yikes...spider attack. That would be unbearable to me--I have a serious spider phobia. Don't even ask me what happened after I watched Arachnaphobia. So, are you living with your mom and dad now? I say: good choice. Living free from spiders always wins in my book!
Wow!!! How long did you live there?
It was good to see you today...sad occasion , but good to see you.
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