Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, It took me a week to figure out I'd been tagged by Kourtney, ha ha!!

Here are the rules- List 6 of your quirks (also known as things that show a little bit of OCD!!)- Tag six other bloggers (I tag Cookie, Kylene, Meg, Britt, and Trisha!)

1. I eat my banana's in strips and preferably dipped in chocolate.
2. I'm EXTREMELY annul about keeping my dvd cases and cd cases pretty and unmarked. And don't touch any of my collectible items without asking, I will beat you.
3. Don't bend down the pages of my books BUT feel free to margin write in them and underline anything you feel is worthwhile. I prefer paperback.
4. I play sports , guitar , talk on the phone, and eat left handed but I write with my right. Very weird.
5. I prefer odd numbers EXCEPT when it comes to eggs. There has to be an even amount of eggs in the carton at all times. If there isn't, I'll take one out and put it somewhere else in the fridge. It's best if I don't have cartons of eggs.
6. I like to lay in the snow in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep.

It's sad to think that I could keep going with this list......


The Pyper Fam said...

ooohhh... i wish you would keep on going, that was VERY interesting! :) i love quirks! (especially yours...) :)

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

You lay in the snow at night? Whats wrong with you!

Trisha said...

I love your quirks!

Holly said...

Mmmmm, it's interesting that after knowing eachother for all these years Rosanna and I didn't even know you had OCD!!! I probably could have guessed the one about not touching your collectables, you are quite protective of those things!

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

You are a funny girl! Should we worry that someone is going to find you frozen to death on your lawn one morning?

Anonymous said...

I love that everyone has weird quirks! Yours are awesome!