Giants Causeways in Northern Ireland is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. A perfect place for Top Model photos!! We stayed there until we couldn't see anymore to take pictures! My second favorite place . (the cliffs of moher were my favorite)!! My favorite picture of Lanie and Britt. I didn't even tell them to pose that way! Love it! The perfect dreaming rock A random old irish man. they all look the same!! A series of self portraits and we never got it right and eventually gave up!haha Best Top Model pose ever!! Gotta love camera timers, hahahahha! Gorgeous! sheep!
From the top of this cliff, you can see the water currents perfectly! So awesome.
and not a bad view!!
One of my favorite lucky photos! A perfect sunset.
Okay, so I think it is safe to say that you guys are obsessed with Top Model and need to seriously just send in an application for fun! Who knows you may sure have the moves down. I don't mind the poses since your back grounds are awesome. w
That is seriously cool! The rocks look fake, or man-made somehow.....I don't know how a man would make such a thing but none the less it looks FAKE!!!:)
It was so fun to have you at my house the other night, thanks for coming!
Uuuuuhhhhh Rosanna, I did read your post! I read that they were made from an ancient volcanic eruption but I'm just saying that they look fake to someone carved them or something because how could a volcanic eruption make them so semetrical and perfectly shaped??? So there!!! Next time I'll have to be more clear I guess! :)
It looks like you had such a good time. It makes me want to go to Ireland. I locked my blog because some of Brian's cousins were getting weird comments on theirs and since we were connected I figured I would prevent it. If you want to get me your email address I can add you to the list of people that can view my blog. Little bit more of a pain because you have to be signed in to view things, but safer I guess.
Love it. Love it. My fav part is the thinking rock. Awesome!
Okay, so I think it is safe to say that you guys are obsessed with Top Model and need to seriously just send in an application for fun! Who knows you may sure have the moves down. I don't mind the poses since your back grounds are awesome. w
That is seriously cool! The rocks look fake, or man-made somehow.....I don't know how a man would make such a thing but none the less it looks FAKE!!!:)
It was so fun to have you at my house the other night, thanks for coming!
Uuuuuhhhhh Rosanna, I did read your post! I read that they were made from an ancient volcanic eruption but I'm just saying that they look fake to someone carved them or something because how could a volcanic eruption make them so semetrical and perfectly shaped??? So there!!! Next time I'll have to be more clear I guess! :)
You guys are SUCH posers! Ha Ha! :) And, I love random, old Irish men. They're my favorite...
Wow you should publish your blog. These pictures are amazing!!
It looks like you had such a good time. It makes me want to go to Ireland. I locked my blog because some of Brian's cousins were getting weird comments on theirs and since we were connected I figured I would prevent it. If you want to get me your email address I can add you to the list of people that can view my blog. Little bit more of a pain because you have to be signed in to view things, but safer I guess.
Jen, my email address is I want an invite for sure!!
I LOVE the thinking rock pix. I knew Ireland was beautiful but your pix are AMAZING! K, I have to go to Ireland now....
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